Spirit Sleeves
Want to raise funds with a fun, unusual item? Spirit sleeves in your school’s colors fit the bill. Available in many color combinations, are a blend of 75% acrylic, 15% polyester, 4% spandex, 4% elastic and 2% nylon Dry-Excel™. Just like your socks, you treat them like socks, what them with like colors and don’t lose one. The sleeves are made to comfortably fit from your wrist to bicep and depending on your arm length, they should reach under your t-shirt sleeve or scrub sleeve. The size A version will comfortable fit to stretch to a 15-16″ bicep. Great for pep rallies, trade shows, school bookstores or to give away at events or conventions. Or to just show school spirit. black/white, forest/white, kelly/white, light gold/white, maroon/white, navy/white, orange/white, purple/white, royal/white, scarlet red/white. Size A fits grade 4 through adult. 8.95 per pair, min is 10 pr. Ask us for the color combinations available. There’s something for almost everyone! Item 224098.

Adult fan sleeve! It’s perfect for use while playing sports or cheering on the home team. 224098

Adult fan sleeve! It’s perfect for use while playing sports or cheering on the home team. 224098
Order today! 877-351-2627 info@thestatechampions.com
Tags: Booster Club Fundraiser, spirit sleeve fundraisers, spirit sleeves, spirit sleeves for fundraiser, striped spirit sleeves